Safe Space Community
for Asians
एशियाई लोगों के लिए सुरक्षित अंतरिक्ष समुदाय
Komunitas Ruang Aman untuk Orang Asia
Short Monthly Teaching Videos
SSC seeks to equip you with basic mental health literacy from the medical, psychological, spiritual, and relational perspectives by integrating psychology and theology from an Asian mindset.
All our monthly teaching videos have subtitles which can be changed onscreen to your preferred language (instructions given below).
Addressing Depression
SSC Teaching Video V01 (32 mins)
Title: The Medical, Psychological, Spiritual, and Relational Approaches to Address Depression

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) How to recognize depression
2) The medical treatment for depression
3) Psychological therapy
4) Spiritual reorientation
5) Reframing depressive memories
6) Self-help and relational support
Suicide Prevention
SSC Teaching Video V03 (35 mins)
Title: Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) How to define suicide's PIP
2) Suicide prevention strategies
3) Suicide intervention checklist
4) Suicide postvention techniques (for both the suicide survivor and the bereaved loved ones)
Sins and Bondages
SSC Teaching Video V05 (32 mins)
Title: Removing Corrupted Shame to Free from our Sins and Bondages

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) Our healthy shame was corrupted at the Fall
2) How are corrupted shame and sins linked?
3) How are corrupted shame and bondages linked?
4) Jesus also died for our corrupted shame
5) Removing our corrupted shame to set us free from our sins and bondages
Open Message
SSC Video M01 (14 mins)
Title: Open Message to Asian Churches

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) What the Wonderful Counselor is teaching us on mental health
2) The Asian Church's attitude toward mental health
3) How to equip ourselves with mental health literacy
SSC Teaching Video V08 (23 mins)
Title: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCD)

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) The nature of OCD
2) The Etiology of OCD
3) Medical Treatment of OCD
4) Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy
5) Memory Reframing Psychotherapy
6) Relating to OCDs helpfully
Guided Ch. Meditation
SSC Guided Christian Meditation Video (35 mins)
Title: Guided Christian Meditation Session for Mental Health and Intimacy with God

By watching this video, you will participate in:
1) Relaxing, breathing, and entering by your imagination into the divine reality of heaven
2) Encountering God to transform the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of the soul
3) Contemplation beyond our feelings or words
4) Interacting with Jesus and conversing with Him
5) Returning, self-reflection, and welcome back
May you have a wonderful time with God!
Keynote Address to IAPC
SSC Teaching Video
M02 (15 mins)
Title: Keynote Address to Indonesian Association of Psychospiritual Counselors, 30 Jun 2023

By watching this video, you will learn that:
1) When ministering to the people, Jesus as the Wonderful Counselor (Isa 9:6) not only prayed for healing and deliverance, but at times, He also counseled them.
2) If we are to proclaim the Gospel in the manner that Jesus modeled to us, then we must identify and attend to the most major needs in our era.
3) Mental health is one such major need in the world today.
Overcoming Insomnia
SSC Teaching Video
V12 (21 mins)
Title: Overcoming Insomnia
By watching this video, you will learn:
1) The nature of sleep
2) Biological and medical perspectives of sleep
3) Healthy lifestyle and good sleep hygiene
4) Psycho-spiritual considerations
5) Cultivating resilience in your life
Preventing Stress/Burnout
SSC Teaching Video
V14 (40 mins)
Title: When Helping You Is Hurting Me by guest speaker, Dr. Eric Scalise

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) To distinguish between burnout and stress
2) The consequences of stress
3) Compassion fatigue is also stressful
4) A personal stress prevention plan
SSC Teaching Video
V16 (31 mins)
Title: Trauma - Understand, Identify, and Address

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) The nature of trauma
2) Neurobiology of trauma
3) Identifying trauma
4) Addressing trauma and self-care
5) Spiritual approach to trauma
Counseling Evangelism
SSC Teaching Video
V18 (34 mins)
Title: Counseling Evangelism

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) The common forms of evangelism
2) What is Counseling Evangelism?
3) Key elements of Counseling Evangelism
4) Huge gaps for Counseling Evangelism
5) Equipping ourselves for Counseling Evangelism
Grief Support
SSC Teaching Video V02 (36 mins)
Title: The Jesus' Model
for Grief Support

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) God's command for grief support
2) The nature of grief
3) The Jesus' Model in TIME
T = Telling the loss
I = Issues to be resolved
M = Meaning to be sought
E = Ending and referral
Hidden Shame
SSC Teaching Video V04 (27 mins)
Title: Addressing Hidden Shame

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) What is the nature of shame
2) Understand why shame often stays hidden
3) Why we need to attend to our hidden shame?
4) How to expose the hidden shame
5) How to resolve the hidden shame
Ch. Counseling Skills
SSC Teaching Video V06 (30 mins)
Title: Effective Christian Counseling Skills in the Asian Context

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) Comparing secular counseling and Christian counseling
2) Basic counseling skills
3) Different cultural mindsets between East and West
4) Application in the Asian context
Anxiety & Panic Attacks
SSC Teaching Video V07 (30 mins)
Title: Managing Anxiety and Panic Attacks

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) The nature of anxiety
2) Harvesting from normal anxiety
3) Managing anxiety medically, physiologically, psychologically, spiritually, and relationally
4) Panic attacks
5) Managing panic attacks
Ministry to the Dying
SSC Teaching Video V09 (29 mins)
Title: Ministry to the Dying

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) General perspectives of death and dying
2) Religious connotations on death and dying
3) Physical needs of the dying
4) Psychological needs of the dying
5) Spiritual needs of the dying
6) Attending to relationships
Teaching on Ch. Meditation
SSC Teaching Video V10 (26 mins)
Title: Christian Meditation for Mental Health and Intimacy with God

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) Difference between meditation and contemplation
2) Comparing eastern, psychological, and Christian meditation
3) The use of breathing in Ch. meditation
4) Origin of various Ch. meditation techniques
5) Aligning our thinking, emotions, and behaviors with God
6) Components of the Guided Ch. Meditation Session
Child Sexual Abuse
SSC Teaching Video
V11 (23 mins)
Title: Helping Sexually Abused Children

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) The different types of child sexual abuse
2) Immediate consequences of child sexual abuse
3) Responding to the child after disclosure
4) Parental preventive strategies
5) Psycho-spiritual interventions
6) Some Bible verses for those sexually abused
Strategies incorporating MH
SSC Teaching Video
V13 (23 mins)
Title: Strategies to Incorporate Mental Health into our Church Culture

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) Attending to the most serious needs
2) The unpreparedness of our churches
3) Wholesome growth and discipleship
4) The strategies to incorporate mental health
5) Concluding remarks
Grief Ministry in Disaster
SSC Teaching Video
V15 (27 mins)
Title: Grief Ministry in the Aftermath of Disaster or War

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) Introduction to the grief ministry
2) Concept and ground preparation
3) Community mourning
4) Attending to the Grieving Process, sudden deaths, survivor's guilt, ambiguous losses, children's grief
5) Miscellaneous matters
Marital Betrayal
SSC Teaching Video
V17 (25 mins)
Title: Marital Betrayal - Helping the Family to Heal
By watching this video, you will learn:
1) The biblical perspective of marital betrayal
2) Attending to the betrayer
3) Attending to the betrayed spouse
4) Attending jointly to the couple
5) Attending to the children
6) Miscellaneous remarks
Spiritual Abuse
SSC Teaching Video
V19 (23 mins)
Title: Recognizing and Restoring from Spiritual Abuse

By watching this video, you will learn:
1) What is spiritual abuse?
2) Types of spiritual abuse
3) Our posture when spiritually abused
4) Helping to restore the spiritually abused
5) Creating a safe and healthy church culture againstt spiritual abuse
Video subtitles are available in your preferred language. While the video is playing, click the “Setting” (gear) button on the lower right of your screen. Then select “Subtitles/CC” and turn on “English (auto-generated)”. The English subtitles will come on while the video is still playing. Then click “Auto-translate” and the list of other languages will be shown. Choose your preferred language and the subtitles will change from English to your preferred language.
वीडियो उपशीर्षक आपकी पसंदीदा भाषा में उपलब्ध हैं। जब वीडियो चल रहा हो, तो अपनी स्क्रीन के नीचे दाईं ओर स्थित "सेटिंग" (गियर) बटन पर क्लिक करें। फिर “उपशीर्षक/सीसी” चुनें और “अंग्रेज़ी (ऑटो-जेनरेटेड)” चालू करें। जब वीडियो चल रहा हो तब अंग्रेजी उपशीर्षक आ जाएगा। फिर "ऑटो-ट्रांसलेट" पर क्लिक करें और अन्य भाषाओं की सूची दिखाई जाएगी। अपनी पसंदीदा भाषा चुनें और उपशीर्षक अंग्रेजी से आपकी पसंदीदा भाषा में बदल जाएंगे।
Subtitle video tersedia dalam bahasa pilihan Anda. Saat video diputar, klik tombol "Pengaturan" (roda gigi) di kanan bawah layar Anda. Kemudian pilih “Subtitle/CC” dan nyalakan “English (auto-generated)”. Subtitle bahasa Inggris akan muncul saat video masih diputar. Kemudian klik "Terjemahkan otomatis" dan daftar bahasa lain akan ditampilkan. Pilih bahasa pilihan Anda dan subtitle akan berubah dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa pilihan Anda.
The SSC teaching videos and the other related materials are for educational purposes. As there is no therapeutic relationship established with the viewer, no counseling or treatment is provided herewith.
The permitted use of these materials is for the convenience of the public to obtain quick access to mental health resources and such usage is entirely voluntary. Hence, SSC or its representatives shall not be liable for any damages to the user of these resources.