Safe Space Community
for Asians
एशियाई लोगों के लिए सुरक्षित अंतरिक्ष समुदाय
Komunitas Ruang Aman untuk Orang Asia
Dr. Edmund Ng's CV

Dr. Edmund Ng is qualified in theology from Wales, psychology from Australia and Belgium, and thanatology (grief therapy) from the USA. He is one of only 3 Asians who are accredited as a Fellow of the Association of Death Education and Counseling.
Formerly a business CEO and pastor, Edmund is presently in full-time community service as a licensed psychotherapist, researcher, author, and trainer in Malaysia. He specializes in personality disorders, grief therapy, and issues of sin and shame.
Both Edmund and his present wife Pauline have experienced first-hand the deep pain and loneliness of suddenly losing their respective spouses. Edmund’s first wife, Jessie, died unexpectedly of intracerebral hemorrhage at the age of 49. Pauline’s first husband, Su, was killed instantly in a car accident, and she was widowed for 15 years.
As a couple, Edmund and Pauline have since 2007 counseled and journeyed alongside hundreds of bereaved persons, both on a one-on-one basis and collectively in Grief Support Groups. They have also trained up a volunteer core team of caregivers who have themselves journeyed through their own losses.
Based on his professional practice and research, Edmund has written an academic book in the field of Psychology entitled Shame-informed Counseling and Psychotherapy: Eastern and Western Perspectives (Routledge, 2021). Routledge is one of the world’s top publishers and his book is chosen to be published as a hard-cover monograph in recognition of its value, quality, and originality. It is carried in the libraries of many established universities such as the universities of Harvard, Yale, Oxford, and Hong Kong to name a few.
He has also written several Christian books and journal papers. His last book is Set Free from your Corrupted Shame: Be empowered to overcome bondages and sins (Amazon, 2022). The book is available in both the Kindle and paperback versions. His last journal paper is entitled Jesus Also Died For Our Corrupted Shame published in the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care (SAGE, 2022).
Edmund also served as the Founding President of both the National Association of Christian Counselors Malaysia (2011-2017) and the Asia Christian Counseling Association (2017-2021). Both organizations seek to shape and promote Christian counseling for ministry and missions at the national and regional levels respectively.
He is invited as one of the 150 strategic Christian thinkers from around the world to contribute to the State of the Great Commission Report in the area of mental health ( published by the Lausanne Movement in 2024.
In our digital age, Edmund presently seeks to equip the body of Christ through a free online ministry called Safe Space Community for Asians ( offering monthly teaching videos and related case-study blogs that any lay Christian can freely access at any time to learn on a specific MH topic or refresh on it before reaching out to minister to someone.
He believes that our churches ought to minister and reach out to the lost by attending to the whole person, not only spiritually, but also mentally, emotionally, and relationally. This is because God has intended to redeem and restore us to live abundantly as fully humans.Equipping Christians with mental health literacy will serve to benefit us with better self-care, more effective ministry to others, and the passion to reach the lost through counseling evangelism.
Sample Speaking Engagements
National Mental Health Seminar for Pastors in Sulawesi, Indonesia
1 July 2024
Keynote speaker on the importance of equipping ourselves and the body of Christ with mental health literacy and promoting Counseling Evangelism. Addressed 210 Indonesian pastors.
Local Church Community Mental Health Day Talk and Open Forum (Subang Jaya)
1 May 2023
Guest speaker on the topic of "Addressing Depression". Spoke to 400 people from the community.
Seminar on Responding to Loved Ones of Patients
29 Nov 2020
Guest Speaker of the Malaysia Medical Association Community Lecture at Manipal Medical College, Melaka, 29 Nov 2020.
Integrating Spirituality in Christian Counseling (Indonesia)
17-19 Oct 2019
Keynote Speaker at the 3rd Asian Christian Counselors Association regional conference held in Bali Indonesia.
Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) Conference 2022 (USA)
18-19 Mar 2022
Spoke on “Surfacing Hidden Shame”. Received award for highly attended session.
Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) Conference 2022 (USA)
18-19 Mar 2022
Spoke on “Surfacing Hidden Shame”. Received award for highly attended session.
Regional Forum on Mental Health Care
(S.E. Asia)
27 Nov 2021
Panel Speaker at Lausanne Forum on 27 Nov 2021. Spoke on “Christian Counseling and its Relevance to Churches”.
Integrating Asian Christian Counselling in Missions (Singapore)
09-11 Sept 2021
Opening Address of the Regional Conference of the Asian Christian Counselors Association (ACCA) held on 9-11 Sep 2021. The theme is on Integrating Christian Counseling in Missions.
Journeying with a Griever (Singapore)
25 Feb 2017
Guest Speaker of a Counseling Seminar organized by St Andrew’s Church of Singapore on 25 Feb 2017.
Beyond Grief: A Guide for Recovering the Loss of a Loved One
08 Aug 2016
Guest Speaker of Community Talk organized by the national newspapers Star
Anglican Diocese Annual Retreat
22-24 May 2015
Guest Speaker at the Anglican Diocese Annual Retreat for their priests held in Kuala Terengganu.
Lordship of Jesus Christ in the 21st Century (South Korea)
11-14 Aug 2014
Plenary Speaker at the Theological Consultation of the Asia Theological Association held in Seoul, South Korea for heads of seminaries in Asia